2014 Production Car Festival...the 10th annual Prod Fest!

Thanks for posting that Greg!

This year, the workers wanted to add their own special trophy for a prod driver voted on by the workers during the Saturday race. It was awarded to a very surprised Beth! :applause:
Just to make a short post, even with trial and tribulations, Prod Fest was once again a BLAST!

I had the distinction of being the best Spridget out there in H, but that's not enough for the H(onda) Production cars. =)
Destroyed a left front on Saturday, and thought I had lost all oil pressure Sunday qualifying.
Also a bum start and a broken hood pin mount on Saturday. All stuff to correct over the winter.

I hope Rick is able to take over and continue the tradition!

Thanks, Mark and Barrie for all your hard work.
Thanks to Mark & Barrie from me, too. I hadn't been able to ever make a Prodfest in the past, due to work and other factors. And I'm sure glad I made this one, had a great race Sunday with Keith Church in his Toyota. And this with a spridget with a disintegrating crank damper which somehow held together for the whole race. Congrats to the Hondas (this id definitely their track) and to Greg N for best in British. It was great to meet the folks from SE who came up for Prodfest, too bad I was so whipped by the middle of the night drive down that I couldn't stay for much pf the party Saturday night. and a very nice goodie bag, too!
Thank you for all the kind words!! We had a wonderful time as well. I'm sure we'll be back sometime to just watch and relax! :D

Here is the rest of the podium:
Sunday's "Official" Prod Fest race:
EP 1st - Randy Carter, 2nd - Matthew Stutt, 3rd - Ed Calfo
FP 1st - Michael Weedon, 2nd - Richard Fohl, 3rd - JR Prescott
HP 1st - Sam Moore, 2nd - Cason Kirkland, 3rd - Greg Nagy
GTL 1st - Ryan Downey, 2nd - Bill Hunter, 3rd - Sam Fouse

And from Saturday's prod race:
EP 1st - Randy Carter, 2nd - Matthew Stutt, 3rd - Allen Mitchell
FP 1st - Michael Weedon, 2nd - Richard Fohl, 3rd - John Burkhard
HP 1st - Sam Moore, 2nd - Jay Griffin, 3rd - Beth Burkhard
GTL 1st - John Hewell, 2nd - Ryan Downey, 3rd - Sam Fouse

Points of note - some weekend double podium winners, a husband and wife team podium (Burkhards) and Jay Griffin with a New Lap Record in HP on Saturday.

Other awards -
The aforementioned Worker's Choice: Beth Burkhard
Smoking Loon wine: Ryan Downey
The Crusher wine w/ duct tape: Grayson Upchurch
"1" wine : Randy Carter (1st place winner Saturday)
PLN : Mark & Barrie Coffin - After years of saying we were ineligible, we finally decided to just "say thank you and shut up". THANK YOU to all who voted for us!! It is a very humbling honor.

Congratulations to all!
I had a very good time this past weekend even with Sam showing me his A$$ all weekend. :wink: Wish I could have finished both races but after spinning twice in essentially three turns Sunday afternoon and having to drive all of that race and most of Saturdays one handed (had to hold it in gear, 3rd decided it didn't want to play nice) I figured I wanted to keep it in one piece. Still don't know WHY it spun twice yet but I'll work on it.

Mark & Barrie thank you so much for all that you've done to make the Prod Fest what it is, not many would go to the efforts you do. As I said on "the book", Lynn and I love you guys, you're more than friends to us and will continue to be.

As for that supposed track record from Saturdays race. Mark, you and I both know that something isn't exactly right about that. I'm not going to argue with anyone about it but since this new record is essentially 2 seconds slower than the previous one (it is, I looked) I really don't understand why the track is considering it a new record. Thanks, but...
It's a "Post Tree" record Jay. Would love to make it to this event. Maybe in 2016 when the Run-Offs are @ Mid-Ohio, take the entire month of October off to go race back east.

We'll see how much I can save over the next 2 years. :liar:
Mark, Barrie congrats on a well deserved honor, you two have always been the driving force of the Prod Fest.

A side note: On one of the vintage racing forums, it got brought up that I was one the people who had helped with the SCCA Prod Fest and maybe we should have something similar for vintage prod cars. Of course it was no different than it was here when the Prod fest was being dreamed up, all sorts of tracks were suggested. In the end I followed Mark's lead on this, and suggest a VIR, and like here, people liked the idea of having it at VIR, so we piggy backed the VDCA event at VIR in April, which already had a good prod car turn out. Of course we have a few more prod classes than you guys still have, AP-HP. In our first event we got 75+ prod cars. In 2015 we will also have the MG feature race at this event, so we expect close to 100 MGs to show up, and boost the prod count number to 150 cars.

Last year's event brought out some of the best of the best in vintage, Craig Chima and Denny Wilson had a good race for the group 3 overall win, with Craig taking the win, the FP race was good as well, with like 25 cars in FP class alone. This event seems to be a hit, and a lot of that is because I did a lot of things that Mark and Barrie envisioned for the SCCA prod fest and now using that in vintage racing as well.

So Thank you Mark, and Barrie for all you have done. Every time I get a whoopie pie from the QT, I think of you guys :)
Thanks everyone!!! It is really because of the will of the prod guys that this event has sustained for so long. I really hope Rick Starkweather will continue it. He has expressed interest in that. And Hap, you were one of the originators for Prod Fest and had so many great ideas. We have used many of them. It's wonderful to see that Vintage Prod Fest is doing so well!!

Ok, so this is LAST CALL for 2014 Prod Fest shirts. I would like to put in the final 2014 shirt order early next week. Hope to have them ready to ship by 11/15.

Here are prices again:
short sleeve T - $17 (S-XL), $19 (XXL) and $20 (3X)
long sleeve T - $20 (S-XL), $22 (XXL) and $23 (3X)
sweatshirt - $25 (S-XL), $27 (XXL) and $29 (3X)

let me know quantity, size and type.

shipping usually runs about $5 - $6 for 2 or 3 shirts and slightly more beyond that. If you give me your zip with your order, I can estimate pretty accurately what shipping will be.

Also, if anyone would like one of this year's podium prize bag chairs, I am working on that as well. I think shipped they will end up being $35 - $40 ea. Am sourcing boxes for those. attached pic is what they look like. one drink holder, slightly padded back with the 10th yr logo.

I would like to put in both orders at the same time so I can pick up at the same time. Please give me your order by Monday, Nov 3rd!

Barrie ( barrie2@bellsouth.net )