I ended up taking 2 Healey 100 heads to Dover Cylinder Head in Chattanooga. The head with the pin hole, they did pin it. The other was cracked between 3 and 4. They said they ground it down and rewelded it. Both looked fixed when I got them. I put the formerly cracked one on my Healey and it fired up and purred like it was supposed too. It cost me $100 per head. I took it on Dec. 9th and they said they would have it ready the next Monday. I told them I would pick it up on the 23rd since I was going to be off. I'm not sure if that helped the price any but I was tickled pink. All Dad and his Healey buddies were saying was $4900 for an aluminum one from Moss or $8000 for one from Dennis Welch. Tags and insurance is next then it will be ready for my daughter's wedding.