Rob Futcher
Well-known member
So... I had selector issues with my Richmond dog box at Mid Ohio; the first time, when changing from 2nd to try to engage 3rd, and found a box fill of nuetrals and a jammed gear lever. When the box came apart, there was nothing obvious, so re-assembled and tried again. Second time around, when downshifting from 3rd to second, the gearbox stayed in 3rd, but the shifter finger ended up in the 1st/2nd shifter fork.
The shifter forks are a little worn and allow some movement between the shifter fork ID and the dog ring OD which may be allowing the shitfer rail to rotate slightly. To me this seems like a shifter finger/rail/detent issue - but no obvious signs of the problem upon initial inspection.
Has anyone else had this problem and if so, did you find a bullet proof fix??
The shifter forks are a little worn and allow some movement between the shifter fork ID and the dog ring OD which may be allowing the shitfer rail to rotate slightly. To me this seems like a shifter finger/rail/detent issue - but no obvious signs of the problem upon initial inspection.
Has anyone else had this problem and if so, did you find a bullet proof fix??