Please post more pictures



This is my first post so i should tell you a little about myself.
First i dont have a production car,but im a big fan.

I grew up in Indianapolis and spent alot of time at IRP. I really enjoyed the SCCA races there and Production racing was the big draw for me. Sprigets,356`s,Fiat`s,914, pretty much anything in Production at that time.
Alot has changed with production but i still enjoy seeing the cars, Even the newer cars that are in the classes now appeal to me. IRP has some other name now. And i live in Japan.
Anyway i make my living at a RC car shop. And i drive rc cars when i get the time, I would like to race my MGB but that is really far off.
Well recently i made a RC car of Vic Skirmants EP 356 that i remembered from years ago. I e-mailed Vic and he was nice enough to send me some more pictures so i could get the details better.
You can see the car here.

I would like to make some more cars of other Production racers but i am findling them hard to find. I was hopeing the members here would take a little more time and post pictures of thier cars.
It might be a little silly but some people really remember SCCA club racers and thier cars.
Thanks and i understand if this post has to be moved as it should just be a picture.