HP/GP Rabbit Update part 2

Kendall Jones

Well-known member
It doesnt look like I can reply to my previous post (Moderator Only), but I just wanted to update the Rabbit bodywork pictures.

The Spridgetech / Preform Resources guys have done an A1 (get it?) job on these pieces, I cant wait to get them on the car. These guys went way beyond what I asked for. The tooling is all done, and parts should be coming off this week. Here's some quick pics:

Fenders & bumper / airdam:

2 Part bumper & airdam, the airdam is flanged on the bottom to allow for easy splitter & floor attachment:

More pictures are here: http://spridgetech.com/gallery/MK-1-Rabbit-Bodywork

I'm not sure what the scirocco front end is like, maybe it could fit?
