My understanding is that the spridget rear-end is somewhere between a full and semi floater design.
To me a full floating rear end in one that the axle is supported at both ends and is only used to transmit torque, not vehicle weight. The axle is attached to, usually with splines, the hub on the outside of the axle and it is the hub that takes the weight of a vehicle. The hub is also what the wheel is attached to, so if the axle breaks or needs replaced, the wheel doesn't come off or have to come off.
A semi floating rear end is one that the axle itself is what transmits torque
and holds up the vehicle weight. The wheel attaches right to the axle, which if it was to break, would send the wheel off the car.
The spridget is somewhere in the middle because it has hub, but you can't take the axle off without taking the wheel off. If the axle breaks the wheel stays on because it is attached to the hub which is attached to the axle housing. That's why it seems to be more of a full floater, but not fully
Just my thoughts, but I could be wrong...