Acceptable range of Bump Steer?


Well-known member

I'm wondering current opinion on an acceptable range of bump steer would be? (per inch per corner).

Is that .024in averaged over the entire suspension travel? I would only be worried about toe changes at static ride height +/- the suspension travel that would be seen under normal driving.
Ah, cripe, is this a test?

I remember reading that the bump IN was a lot more of an issue than bump OUT on the loaded tire

(as in, when you're compressed from static, bump out isn't as potentially troublesome as bump in)

so that 2 degrees bump in (for example) was a lot worse than 4 degrees bump out.

and that once you've taken some percentage off (50?) don't worry, as it's now so unloaded that it
won't impart force to the car.

It's been a while.

The upshot was that you should get it as good as you can for the wheel that's under most load in the
range it's working hardest, then move on. And that numbers weren't THAT important, as some suspensions
were inherently impossible to make perfect, and others didn't need to be touched.

I try for pretty much zero toe in/out for the first 1 1/2inches travel bump and droop. a little toe in on bump isn't a problem towards the 1 1/2 inch mark as it helps stabilize the car. droop isn't as a big deal either way as the front is unloaded and as soon as it does start to load I'm at zero. I bump steer 2 inches either way from static ride height, any more than that the frame is pretty much on the track or I've launched the car off something and the bump steer is the least of my problems :oops: