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    FP Ford @NCM Bowling Green

    Today 6-13-15
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    EP 1983

    EP Summit Point WV turn ten.
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    DP 1983

    DP Summit Pont WV turn ten.
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    1982 National Summit Point

    Bob Coffin and John Kelly turn ten.
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    Taken by me Summit Point not sure the year. 2004 TO 2006
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    Taken by me at Summit Point ,don't know the year .
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    Nice big Prod field..

    2006 Summit Point MARRS Labor Day.
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    Tim Mountjoys MGB

    2006 MARRS Labor Day !
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    H prod Summit Point WV

    1993 Jefferson 500...Nice line up of 850s!
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    G Prod Summit Point WV..

    The old G prod..